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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Facebook Chat Secrets u never heard about.

The 5 Secrets to Facebook Chat

5. Hide from SELECTED People on Facebook Chat:

Do you want to Facebook Chat but don’t want certain people to see your online status?  It’s simple!
Just open Facebook Chat and click on your friends list.  Start creating a new list called “BlockList”.
Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.  Now, you don’t need to worry about your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend or crazy family member seeing you online and chatting your brain off!

4.Access Facebook Chat From Your Desktop.

No need to go to if all you want to do is use Facebook chat. You can do it right from your desktop using clients like , Adium or ChitChat.

3.Display Your Facebook Chat Upside Down:

This is a cool and fun trick. To display upside down status updates, simply head over to FlipText and type in your status. Then simply click on Flip Text and copy-paste the upside down text into your Facebook status box.

2.Use Symbols

Copy and paste these to spice up your chatting on Facebook Chat
ƸӜƷ    Butterfly    ☮    Peace Sign
(●̮̮̃•̃)    Panda Face    ♩♪♫♬    Music Note
☨    Cross Sign    ☎    Phone
☯    Yin Yang    ♔    Crown
☆    Empty Star    ★    Full Star
ಌ    Heart    ♦    Diamond
♥    Black Heart    ☁    Cloud
☀    Sun    ☂    Umbrella
♀    Female    ♂    Male
♐☎☏☪☚☛☻☺☹    Others 1    ♼♽♻♺♹♨♧♥♤♣    Others 2
♲♳♴♵♶☃☝☞☟♎♰    Others 3     ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ ☺ђέ«{^⌣^}»ђέ☺ ツ ッ    Mimic
๏̯͡๏ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶    Faces 1    ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(×̯×)۶    Faces 2
“”̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿’̿’̵͇̿̿з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿””    Cowboy with two guns    (•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿””    Boy with a Gun
╔═══╗ ♪
║███║ ♫
║ (●) ♫ ♪
╚═══╝♪♪    Sound System Music    ☻/
/\    Charlie
┌─┐ ─┐☮
│▒│ /▒/
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐
└┐▒▒▒▒▒▒“”    Peace Sign Hand
♥ (●•)(●•)
♥ /█\ /█\
♥ ||_ ||_♥    Two Lovers

1.Use creative (and hidden) Emoticons.

Bet you didn’t know about these little hidden gems!  Check out all the fun Emoticons you can use in Facebook Chat:
Emoticon Name : How you use it in the chat.
:-) :) :] =)
:-( :( :[ =(
:-P :P :-p :p =P
:-D :D =D
:-O :O :-o :o
;-) ;)
8-) 8) B-) B)
8-| 8| B-| B|
>:( >:-(
:/ :-/ :\ :-\
3:) 3:-)
O:) O:-)
:-* :*
o.O O.o
>:O >:-O >:o >:-o
curly lips
facebook chat emoticons robotrobot
facebook chat emoticons putnamChris Putnam
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How to HACK a Website

Domain Hijacking – How to Hijack a Domain

Domain hijackingIn this post I will tell you about how the domain names are hacked and how they can be protected. The act of hacking domain names is commonly known as Domain Hijacking. For most of you, the term “domain hijacking” may seem to be like an alien. So let me first tell you what domain hijacking is all about.
Domain hijacking is a process by which Internet Domain Names are stolen from it’s legitimate owners. Domain hijacking is also known as domain theft. Before we can proceed to know how to hijack domain names, it is necessary to understand how the domain names operate and how they get associated with a particular web server (website).

The operation of domain name is as follows

Any website say for example consists of two parts. The domain name( and the web hosting server where the files of the website are actually hosted. In reality, the domain name and the web hosting server (web server) are two different parts and hence they must be integrated before a website can operate successfully. The integration of domain name with the web hosting server is done as follows.
1. After registering a new domain name, we get a control panel where in we can have a full control of the domain. 
2. From this domain control panel, we point our domain name to the web server where the website’s files are actually hosted.
For a clear understanding let me take up a small example.
John registers a new domain “” from an X domain registration company. He also purchases a hosting plan from Y hosting company. He uploads all of his files (.html, .php, javascripts etc.) to his web server (at Y). From the domain control panel (of X) he configures his domain name “” to point to his web server (of Y). Now whenever an Internet user types “”, the domain name “” is resolved to the target web server and the web page is displayed. This is how a website actually works.

What happens when a domain is hijacked

Now let’s see what happens when a domain name is hijacked. To hijack a domain name you just need to get access to the domain control panel and point the domain name to some other web server other than the original one. So to hijack a domain you need not gain access to the target web server.
For example, a hacker gets access to the domain control panel of  “”. From here the hacker re-configures the domain name to point it to some other web server (Z). Now whenever an Internet user tries to access “” he is taken to the hacker’s website (Z) and not to John’s original site (Y).
In this case the John’s domain name ( is said to be hijacked.

How the domain names are hijacked

To hijack a domain name, it’s necessary to gain access to the domain control panel of the target domain. For this you need the following ingredients
1. The domain registrar name for the target domain.
2. The administrative email address associated with the target domain. 
These information can be obtained by accessing the WHOIS data of the target domain. To get access the WHOIS data, goto, enter the target domain name and click on Lookup. Once the whois data is loaded, scroll down and you’ll see Whois Record. Under this you’ll get the “Administrative contact email address”.
To get the domain registrar name, look for something like this under the Whois Record. “Registration Service Provided By: XYZ Company”. Here XYZ Company is the domain registrar. In case if you don’t find this, then scroll up and you’ll see ICANN Registrar under the “Registry Data”. In this case, the ICANN registrar is the actual domain registrar.
The administrative email address associated with the domain is the backdoor to hijack the domain name. It is the key to unlock the domain control panel. So to take full control of the domain, the hacker will hack the administrative email associated with it. Email hacking has been discussed in my previous post how to hack an email account.
Once the hacker take full control of this email account, he will visit the domain registrar’s website and click on forgot password in the login page. There he will be asked to enter either the domain name or the administrative email address to initiate the password reset process. Once this is done all the details to reset the password will be sent to the administrative email address. Since the hacker has the access to this email account he can easily reset the password of domain control panel. After resetting the password, he logs into the control panel with the new password and from there he can hijack the domain within minutes.

How to protect the domain name from being hijacked

The best way to protect the domain name is to protect the administrative email account associated with the domain. If you loose this email account, you loose your domain. So refer my previous post on how to protect your email account from being hacked. Another best way to protect your domain is to go for private domain registration. When you register a domain name using the private registration option, all your personal details such as your name, address, phone and administrative email address are hidden from the public. So when a hacker performs a WHOIS lookup for you domain name, he will not be able to find your name, phone and administrative email address. So the private registration provides an extra security and protects your privacy. Private domain registration costs a bit extra amount but is really worth for it’s advantages. Every domain registrar provides an option to go for private registration, so when you purchase a new domain make sure that you select the private registration option.
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Changing Log On Screen in Windows 7

How to Change the Logon Screen Background in Windows 7

Win 7 Customized Logon Screen
Log On Screen
How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 so as to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak it is possible to customize the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background. Changing logon screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well here is a step by step instruction to customize the logon screen background.
1. The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and it’s size should not exceed 245KB.
2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However I prefer 1440 x 900 or1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your image. Once you’re done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.
3. You will need to copy this image to
You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.
4. Now open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and navigate to the following key.
If Background does not exist rightclick LogonUI, select New and then Key, and then name it Background. Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, right-click Background and select New and then DWORD and name it OEMBackground.
5. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1.
6. Now log-off to see the new logon screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0.
I hope you like this trick. Just try out and give your feedback!

Friday, March 11, 2011

To switch between OFFLINE and ENABLE Administrating account in Windows 7

To offline enable the built-in administrator account, follow these steps:
  1. Load the SAM Registry hive with regedit as described in my post about the offline Registry editor.
  2. Navigate to HKLM\%your_key_name%\SAM\Domains\Accounts\Users\Names\.
  3. Click “Administrator” and note the value in the type column.
  4. Navigate to HKLM\%your_key_name%\SAM\Domains\Accounts\Users\.
  5. Use the type value you noted before to locate the Registry key of the administrator account (see screenshot). Offline enable built in administrator locate administrator
  6. Edit the F entry of the administrator key and navigate to the 0038 position.
  7. If the built-in administrator account is disabled, the value of this position is “11″; replace it with “10″. NOTE: Make sure to edit the correct position because editing binary values in the Registry is a bit tricky: Move the cursor to the beginning of position 0038, press “DEL,” and then type “10″.
    Offline enable built-in administrator
  8. Click %your_key_name% and then unload the hive through the corresponding menu point in the File menu.
After you reboot, you can log on using the built-in administrator and reset the password of other accounts.
Note that you can also use this procedure to offline enable other accounts with administrator privileges. In this case, the value at position 0038 will be “15″ if the account is disabled; replace it with”14″ to enable the account.
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12 ways to hack Windows Password (XP, Vista, 7)

 12 methods to hack windows 7, XP, Vista Passwords

1. Use your password reset disk to recover the Windows password

Vista and Windows 7 allow you to create a password reset disk, which enables you to reset your password without much hassle. The problem with this option is that you have to create the reset disk before the password is lost. Thus if you don’t have a password reset disk, this option is not for you. You can find a description of how to create a password reset disk here.

2. Restore Windows 7 or Windows Vista to a previous state

If you configured a new password recently and can still remember the password you used before, then you can restore Windows to a point in time before you changed the password. The Restore function of Windows 7 and Windows Vista will make sure that you don’t lose personal data. However, programs that have been installed since the corresponding restore point have to be installed again. All you need for this procedure is a Windows 7 or Windows Vista setup DVD. A detailed description of this method can be found here.

3. Boot up Windows XP in Safe Mode and log on with the built-in administrator account

When you installed Windows XP, you had to set a password for the Administrator account. If you still know this password, you can boot up in Safe Mode (by pressing F8 when your computer starts) and log on with the Administrator account. Note that whenever you reset the password for a user using another account, this user will no longer be able to access files that have been encrypted with EFS (Encrypted File System). Stored credentials in the Windows Vault and Internet Explorer will also no longer be available. This method doesn’t work in Vista and Windows 7 because the administrator account is disabled by default in Safe Mode with these Windows versions. Below you will learn how to enable the built-in admin account in Windows 7 and Vista.

4. Use the Sticky Keys trick to reset the Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP password

The Sticky Keys trick to restore a forgotten administrator password is reliable, easy to carry out, and does not require third-party software. All you have to do is boot up from a Windows 7 or Windows Vista setup DVD, launch the Windows Recovery Environment (RE), and then replace the sethc.exe file with cmd.exe. You can also use this method for Windows XP, but you have to use a Vista or Windows 7 DVD.

5. Offline enable the built-in administrator account in Windows 7 and Vista

This method is useful if no other user account on this machine has administrator privileges. You also need a Windows setup DVD (Vista or Windows 7). With this DVD you can boot up Windows RE and edit the Registry to offline enable the built-in administrator account. After you enable the built-in Administrator, you can log on with this account without requiring a password and then reset the Windows password of any user account.

6. Get Petter Nordhal-Hagen’s free ntpasswd tool to reset the Windows password

The downside of this option is that you have to create a password reset CD first. Then you can boot up with this CD and manipulate the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database. Please note that resetting the password with third-party tools can also cause data loss as described in option 4. Also note that this tool comes without any warranty. However, I’ve been using it quite a few times and never had any problem with it. The latest version also supports Windows Vista and Windows 7. The advantage of this method is that it is quick if you already have the password CD in your tool box. Thus it is useful for admins who have to perform this procedure often. In all other cases I recommend option 4. You can download the tool here.

7. Use the free Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) to recover the admin password

The Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK) is a troubleshooting solution that belongs in every admin’s tool box. Please read my review of the Trinity Rescue Kit for more information. This great tool allows you to reset the password of Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. It works similar to ntpasswd. After you have booted up with the TRK CD, you have to enter the command winpass -u user_name and then follow the instructions. Sometimes setting a new password doesn’t work; in this case, just set an empty password.

8. Use the free Kon-Boot tool to remove Windows passwords

I reviewed the free Kon-Boot tool a few days ago, and I can’t really recommend it because it crashed two Windows 7 installations during my test. I mention this free password reset tool here for the sake of completeness and because it is quite famous. Its main advantage is that it is very quick. You only have to boot up from the Kon-Boot CD and the tool will do the rest for you. It changes the contents of the Windows kernel on the fly while booting allowing you to log on without password. Thus the tool doesn’t change the SAM database. If you reboot again without using Kon-Boot you need the old passwords.

9. Use the free NTPWEdit tool to reset the Windows password

Especially if your computer doesn’t have a CD or DVD drive, you have to create a bootable Windows USB flash drive and then you can use the free Windows password reset tool NTPWEdit. Don’t forget to add NTPWEdit to the USB stick before you boot up.

10. Use Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset to reset the administrator password

MSDaRT is a toolset from Microsoft that allows you to repair a Windows installation. This tool is only available for Microsoft volume customers, TechNet Plus subscribers, and MSDN subscribers. You can easily recover an admin password with its Locksmith tool.

11. Get a commercial password reset tool

Many commercial tools are available that allow you to reset the Windows administrator password. Technically, they do the same as the free tools. Some of them might be easier to use or come with better instructions than the free tools. But before you spend money, I recommend trying the other options I described in this article. I don’t want to recommend a particular tool here. However, I would prefer a tool where the vendor offers support in case you run into problems. Be careful—there are many black sheep exploiting desperate people by selling overpriced tools.

12. Reinstall Windows

This might sound like a joke, but in some cases this is the best method. For instance, if you don’t want to lose your EFS-encrypted files or stored credentials by resetting your password, but you desperately need the computer, you can just install Windows a second time. You will have access to all the files of the previous installation. Just make sure that you don’t overwrite the original Windows installation during the Windows setup. This allows you to boot up the original Windows installation at a later time. I am sure you will remember your forgotten Windows password sooner or later. As to my own experience, the old password will pop up in your mind right after you finish the installation and go to configure your new administrator password.
Please let me know in a comment below if you’ve heard of another option for resetting the Windows password.

Windows 7, Vista, XP Sticky keys trick to hack Password

To reset a forgotten administrator password, follow these steps:

  1. Boot from Windows PE or Windows RE and access the command prompt.
  2. Find the drive letter of the partition where Windows is installed. In Vista and Windows XP, it is usually C:, in Windows 7, it is D: in most cases because the first partition contains Startup Repair. To find the drive letter, type C: (or D:, respectively) and search for the Windows folder. Note that Windows PE (RE) usually resides on X:.
  3. Type the following command (replace “c:” with the correct drive letter if Windows is not located on C:):
    copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe c:\
    This creates a copy of sethc.exe to restore later.
  4. Type this command to replace sethc.exe with cmd.exe:
    copy /y c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
  5. Reboot your computer and start the Windows installation where you forgot the administrator password.
  6. After you see the logon screen, press the SHIFT key five times.
  7. You should see a command prompt where you can enter the following command to reset the Windows password (see screenshot above):
    net user you_user_name new_password
    If you don’t know your user name, just type net user to list the available user names.
  8. You can now log on with the new password.
I recommend that you replace sethc.exe with the copy you stored in the root folder of your system drive in step 3. For this, you have to boot up again with Windows PE or RE because you can’t replace system files while the Windows installation is online. Then you have to enter this command:
copy /y c:\sethc.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe
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