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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Net BIOS Hacking

NetBIOS hacking is a remote computer hacking techniques to see hard-disk/printer
can also be used for the destruction of the computer.

The following steps:

1. Open CMD (start-> run-> type cmd)

2. Type in NetView
(or can use the command on the tools NBscanner)

3. Examples like this C: \> net view \ \ is the ip of victim, if successful, a list of hard-disk and printer appears, if it fails there will be an error message, try step 2 with a different ip.

4. If successfully use the command / type "net use". Net use command to control a computer is the owner of the ip.

5. This is an example

C: \> net use D: \ \ \ F
C: \> net use G: \ \ \ SharedDocs
C: \> net use I: \ \ \ Myprint

example 1.2 and 3, D:, G: & I: is the drive to be in control.

note ::: :::
drive D, G, I is the name of the victim drive, usually drive on the named C:, D: ....

6. If the command is successful, the computer will have the words "The command completed successfully"
